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State of Affairs: Put Politics Away

State of Affairs By Diego Lopez on Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Put Politics Away

"The biggest problem we have in New Mexico is politics. We wonder why crime is so bad – it’s because, despite how horrible these policies are the legislators put forward are for the safety of our communities, they do it because it’s what follows the party line. Despite what is good for the community, what is good for New Mexico, so many of our legislators just do what the party says to do."

Diego Lopez dives into the current state of New Mexico politics, and the need to prioritize protecting the community above political attacks and party lines.

"Ralph Lucero and Robert Windhorst, along with the rest of the board of commissioners, puts their politics to the side and focuses on the growth of Cibola County."

"There is a difference between holding people accountable and attacking them. Our officials are doing a great job, we need to keep holding them accountable; we need to keep supporting them for as long as they continue to work on behalf of the people. Commissioners Lucero and Windhorst, Commissioners Martha Garcia, Danny Torrez, and Christine Lowery may not be everyone’s favorite people, but these people are putting the county first and helping to create an environment of success for Cibola County."

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