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January 11, 2025

Cibola County Republican Party

Good morning, Cibola County Republican Party (CCRP) members. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as chair of the Cibola County Republican Party and to run for New Mexico House District 6. 

As you know, on December 3, the Cibola County Commission nominated Harry Garcia for House District 6. I immediately reached out to the Republican Party for assistance in addressing this situation, which I believe violates the law.

I spoke with Amy Barela that day, and she informed me that adjustments would be made in the upcoming Legislative Council meeting to address this issue and that she would follow up with me. However, when I reviewed the agenda, I found that my issue regarding the contest of the election was not included. This was later confirmed by  a representative of the New Mexico House , who indicated she would consult a lawyer for legal advice. Unfortunately, I discovered that this lawyer works for the state and cannot represent me.

The relevant statutes and case law clearly support my contest of the election, but I have not received the necessary assistance from the GOP. When I wrote to the Pierce administration, I was advised to submit my concerns to the next administration. Upon doing so, I learned that my concerns were passed on to the Legislative Council and House Republicans for consideration. A vote was called by the New Mexico Republican legislative caucus four weeks later, and unfortunately, the vote did not support the Paul Spencer election contest. 

Regrettably, I find myself without support from both the New Mexico GOP and the New Mexico House legislators as I am in the middle of an election contest. Despite my efforts to encourage them to review the relevant pleadings and legal context, I feel that they have neglected to understand the situation fully. This lack of support has led me to feel voiceless both as chair for CCRP and as a candidate for House District 6.  Instead of knocking on doors and making phone calls to my fellow Republicans in Cibola County I have been working diligently to preserve and protect  the security of the Election Franchise to the best of my ability.  The facts and the law are clear and can be found in my pleadings filed in the 13th Judicial District Court. 

Let us not forget We are a Republic Form of Government of the people for the people by the people and I in the spirit of freedom and justice for all,I invite you to help support our cause to safeguard the election franchise by donating to my campaign at for legal action so we  can safeguard the election franchise together. 

Therefore, I believe it is in the best interest of the Cibola County Republican Party to allow the next chair to take over and proceed. I hope to see new leadership that can establish greater support for our party. Thank you for your understanding. God bless you, God Bless New Mexico and God bless the USA.

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